Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today, was the last outbound orientation. It's really weird to think my new friends and I are going to be seperated in well, 1 or 2 months. It is sad, but I don't regret this process. I'm glad I got to meet all of the inbounds and outbounds.
Well, the next meeting time for the outbounds is Grand Rapids conference. It will be great to see them again, and the inbounds one last time. It will be sad to see them off, but I will have new challenges to face just a month after Grand Rapids. :)
I know it will be tough, but I'm still looking forward to the new experiences. I feel more secure about it.
Oh, and I still haven't heard anything about Estonia. Many of the outbounds have recieved their welcome packages and emails from host families. I have recieved neither. It's making me anxious and pretty nervous, but it's all part of the experience I guess. :)

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